5 Tips to Ward Off Heart Attacks in Cold and Smog

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People who avoid being outside in the cold during rush hours and dress in layers can avoid heart problems in cold weather.

5 Tips to Ward Off Heart Attacks in Cold and Smog

5 Tips to Ward Off Heart Attacks in Cold and Smog: As North India experiences a harsh winter and many towns are covered in a thick layer of harmful smog, it’s important to keep your heart health in mind. When the temperature drops below what your body can handle, it hurts in every way. Because blood veins get narrow in cold weather, your heart has to work even harder to keep blood flowing.

People who avoid being outside in the cold during rush hours and dress in layers can avoid heart problems in cold weather. Getting some sun, doing some light workouts, and eating well can help your body deal with both the cold and pollution. Along with a healthy diet, drinking warm drinks like soups and herbal teas can help your heart work better.

5 Tips to Ward Off Heart Attacks in Cold and Smog:

1. Take care of your heart or vascular problem

Finding the underlying problems is an important part of managing heart health, and living in colder places can help lower the risks a lot. It is very important to take medications consistently. Setting reminders, sticking to a medication plan, and making sure you get regular check-ups with your doctor can help you stick to a health routine.

2. Take care not to get the flu

Protecting yourself against the flu should be your top priority as the cold wave comes, since it’s most common in the winter. The flu can make health problems worse, especially for older people and people who already have heart problems. Getting a flu shot is also important if you live with people who are sensitive or work in places where people often come together. Not only does getting vaccinated against the flu protect you from its direct effects, but it also lowers the risk of heart problems.

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3. Dress in layers to stay warm

The cold can be hard on our hearts, but staying warm can help. Dress in layers, starting with base layers that wick away sweat and moving on to insulating materials like wool or fleece to keep your body at the right temperature. Keeping your limbs well covered and staying out of the cold for long periods of time can also help your heart work better by reducing stress and improving circulation.

4. Keep up your daily exercise

Sticking to an exercise routine, even if you do it inside, is very good for your heart and general health. To improve cardiovascular performance, do things like brisk walking, indoor jogging, or exercise classes. Adding yoga or stretching to your routine can also help you become more flexible and resilient, which is good for your heart health during the cold weather.

5. Eat and drink in a way that is good for your heart.

A healthy diet full of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids is good for your heart. Cutting back on simple sugars, saturated fats, and salt makes sure that cholesterol and blood pressure stay in check. At the same time, make sure you stay hydrated by choosing warm drinks like herbal teas or soups to keep your blood flow and heart function at their best.

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