Ukraine: History, Flag, Population | Tracking the war with Russia & Interesting Facts

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Europe’s largest country. Ukraine is the homeland of seven Heritage Sites in the world. One of the most well-known aspects of Ukraine is its architecture.

Ukraine History

Ukraine-Introduction: Ukraine is much more than its 2022 crisis. As the Ukraine crisis worsens, Ukrainian families’ lives have been turned upside down. You may have seen horrific images and stories about Ukraine in the news, but Ukraine is much more than this crisis. It has a long history and many distinguishing features. Continue reading to learn more about Ukraine.

Top ten fascinating facts about Ukraine:

  1. Ukraine is Europe’s second-largest country in total area, with 603.55 square kilometres (or 233 square miles – twice the size of Italy!)
  2. UNESCO World Heritage Sites designate some of the most important parts of the world, and Ukraine is fortunate to have seven of them, including the Saint-Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.
  3. Although many people associate Ukrainian food with the humble chicken kiev (which was most likely not invented in Ukraine), the Ukrainian national dish is borscht, a distinctive red soup made from beetroot and beef.
  4. Although Ukrainian is the official language of Ukraine, the country is home to 20 different languages. English is spoken by 18% of Ukrainians.
  5. Ukraine is the birthplace of our favourite holiday traditions: Easter eggs! Ukraine is responsible for our favourite decorative treat, originally coloured and patterned with wax and dye.
  6. Mount Hoverla, part of the Carpathian Mountains that fall into Western Ukraine, stands at 2,061 metres and is a popular location for extreme sports.
  7. Ukraine is the world’s largest producer of sunflower seeds. You’ll see stunning fields of these yellow blooms throughout the country – so many that if they were uprooted, they’d cover the entire country of Slovenia!
  8. Ukraine is known as the “Breadbasket of Europe” because it has ideal growing conditions for wheat and is a major producer.
  9. The so-called ‘Tunnel of Love is one of Ukraine’s most unique tourist attractions. A section of industrial railway surrounded by beautiful greenery, it’s a favourite for couples looking for a romantic stroll.
  10. Ukraine country is bordered to the south by the Black Sea, and it controls Zymiinyi Island, also known as Snake Island, due to its residents. It is the only natural habitat for the critically endangered Golden Lancehead Pit Viper, which became stranded on the island during the last Ice Age.

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How to help out Ukraine

Ukraine is an amazing country, and the above facts remind us of what is at stake during this crisis.

However, besides the natural beauty and culture at risk, this country is home to over 44 million people. Over 5 million people have fled their homes to escape the conflict in Ukraine. They have left behind jobs, possessions, and loved ones and now face an uncertain future.

Homes have been destroyed or are deemed unsafe for habitation. Critical infrastructure, including hospitals, water supplies, and schools, has been damaged or destroyed.

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That is why we need your help to save lives and protect children. We’re currently in Eastern Europe, addressing the urgent needs of children and families forced to flee their homes.

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