Mamata Appeals to PM Modi to recorgnise Gangasagar Mela as a National Fair

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Every year during Makar Sankranti, lakhs of people come to the area where the Ganga and the Bay of Bengal meet to take a holy dip.

Mamata Appeals to PM Modi to recorgnise Gangasagar Mela as a National Fair

Mamata Appeals to PM Modi to Recorgnize Gangasagar Mela as a National Fair: In a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee called the Gangasagar Mela “one of the world’s largest religious gatherings” and asked him to make it a “national fair.”

Mamata Appeals to PM Modi to Recorgnize Gangasagar Mela as a National Fair

Earlier this week, Banerjee said she was sorry that the Center wasn’t giving the Gangasagar Mela more attention. Every year during Makar Sankranti, lakhs of people come to the area where the Ganga and the Bay of Bengal meet to take a holy dip. She wrote to Modi, “Because of the uniqueness, significance, magnitude, and spiritual depth of the Gangasagar Mela, I would sincerely request that you please consider making it a National Fair.”

She also asked the prime minister to go to the Gangasagar Mela.

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”You are kindly aware that the Gangasagar Mela is one of the largest, spiritual human congregations in the world. In size, it is next only to the Kumbh Mela. But, in significance, the Mela is no less magnificent for various reasons,” she mentioned.

Banerjee said that since the Kumbh Mela is already a national show, the Gangasagar Mela should also be made one.

In the letter, the chief minister said that she had already asked for this before, but that the choice has not been made yet. She also said that about one crore people went to Gangasagar Mela last year and that the number “is likely to surpass this number.”

Later, when she talked to the reporters, the Bengal CM said that the Mela this year cost her government Rs 250 crore.

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