Is Khan Sir on Instagram? Unraveling the Mystery

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Khan Sir is famous for the unique way he teaches and for working hard to help students from poor homes get ready for tests.

What is the qualification of Khan Sir

Is Khan Sir on Instagram: Khan Sir is a well-known Indian teacher and YouTuber who teaches history, geography, current events, and relations between countries. He goes by the name Anand Kumar too. He comes from Bihar, India.

Khan Sir is famous for the unique way he teaches and for working hard to help students from poor homes get ready for tests.

Khan Sir opened the well-known “Khan GS Research Center” in Patna to help teach. Kids at these places study for tests they need to pass to get government jobs.

Khan Sir is a teacher who has been around for more than 10 years. More than 20 million people follow him on YouTube.

Check Out: The Real Name of Khan Sir Revealed: All You Need to Know

Is Khan Sir on Instagram?

You can find Khan Sir on Instagram at @khansir.official. You can also get daily inspiration and funny videos by following @khansir.official. Khan Sir’s real name is Faisal Khan, but people call him Anand Kumar. Khan Sir’s popularity has grown a lot in the past year, mostly because of his YouTube account and ability to teach.

About Khan Sir Controversies

Because of his YouTube film, he got into a lot of trouble in April 2021. His views on the Tehreek-e-Labbaik party of Pakistan were shared in this video. He also talked about how people were becoming more radicalized. After he said what he thought about that party, there was a stir when some people said he was making comments about Islam.

Khan Sir’s name caused more trouble, and it was said that he is a Hindu In this case. After that, Khan sir had to talk to the press and say that some people at work call him Amit. The internet went crazy over a video of him saying this.

Students were upset that the Railway Recruitment Board’s Non-Technical Popular Categories (RRB-NTPC) exam for 2022 had been canceled. A lot of students in Bihar set trains and other Indian railway equipment on fire. People protesting told cops that Khan Sir and others encourage students to protest, so a FIR was made against him.

In December 2022, he caused more trouble when, in one of his teaching videos, he showed how to change the meaning of a line by using Muslim names instead of Hindu names, like Abdul instead of Suresh. As the story spread, many important people called for his arrest.

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