Biden Administration’s $3.3 Billion AI Investment: Transforming Tech Landscape by 2025

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More than $3 billion is allocated to several agencies in the proposed budget for the development, testing, acquisition, and integration of revolutionary artificial intelligence applications.

Biden Administration's $3.3 Billion AI Investment

Biden Administration’s $3.3 Billion AI Investment: Biden’s administration is reportedly funding more than $3.3 billion for artificial intelligence development in various federal agencies and to address AI legislation and its risks.

More than $3 billion is allocated to several agencies in the proposed budget for the development, testing, acquisition, and integration of revolutionary artificial intelligence applications. In addition, the Budget proposes agencies spend an additional $300 million on AI to manage significant risks and promote its use for public benefit.

Biden Administration’s $3.3 Billion Commitment to AI Advancement

Despite estimates of $3.3 billion for AI alone, Arizona State University professor Gregory Dawson, who is researching AI spending with colleagues, remains concerned.

In contrast to China, the United States spends a lot of money on artificial intelligence, with much of it dispersed, Dawson asserts that the budget still puts the United States behind where it should be. Even though this non-specific strategy might eventually pay off, in the short run it causes the United States to lose ground behind China and stay in second place.

According to reports, the 2025 budget also includes funding for law enforcement organizations to pursue cyber criminals.

For its counterintelligence operations against hacker groups, the FBI is asking for an increase of $25 million. The National Security Division of the Justice Department is also seeking about $5 million.

The White House’s proposed budget for cybercrime comes as the FBI combats hacking threats that aim to destroy sensitive targets such as U.S. infrastructure. Several nation-state hacking groups connected to China and Russia have been taken down by the FBI over the past few months.

Biden Administration's makes $3.3 Billion AI Investment
Biden Administration’s makes $3.3 Billion AI Investment [Credit: CNBC and Datanami]
In Washington, DC, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris hold an event to discuss their administration’s approach to artificial intelligence on October 30, 2023.

President Biden asked Congress to authorize $32 million for a “AI talent surge” to recruit computer scientists and data scientists to study AI, according to the Washington Times. Through the AI Talent Surge, dedicated individuals will be hired to improve government services, develop intelligent laws and policies that protect people’s privacy, safety, and rights, and advance AI research and development, keeping the United States at the forefront of artificial intelligence.

He also requested $70 million for agencies to hire chief AI officers, who would oversee computer scientists’ work and ensure their safety.

In addition to the proposed budget, the Commerce Department will receive $50 million to establish an AI Safety Institute that will provide guidelines for AI use. These guidelines will include separating information created by AI from information created by humans and developing privacy safeguards.

As part of its fight against climate change, the Energy Department plans to leverage AI funds as well. The National Nuclear Security Administration would also receive $37 million to explore the misuse of AI for chemical, biological, or nuclear threats, and the Department of Veterans Affairs would receive $10 million for medical and prosthetic research.

$30 million is also allocated to the National AI Research Resource Project (NAIRR), a critical first step in developing a shared research infrastructure to support and democratize access to computing and data resources for audacious AI discoveries and advances.

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