Traffic from Google Discover is Declining from Few Month On Web Stories across India

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Now a days traffic is Declining on web stories from google discover due to low presence on discover, Because google has started to promote articles mostly on on the discover rather than web stories

Now a days traffic is Declining on web stories from google discover due to low presence on discover, Because google has started to promote articles mostly on on the discover rather than web stories which was pushing more content on web earlier. So due to low presence in google discover publishers has got sharp decline on the web stories which was contributing more number in Google Analytics.

What is web Stories

Web Stories are a visually rich, full-screen content format for the web, which allow you to tap or swipe through stories. To consume content, you can tap or swipe through Web Stories. You can say web stories are short format of web articles in slide formats along with visuals. google has given many feature for web stories in their liberbery which can useful for user to engage on that page, with help of library document which has given by google official you can add those in website cms which can reduce the manual efforts. web stories is more engaging rather than articles because by the headline and short description user can read eaisly whole news / information about particular as per their relevancy and required. if user reads an article of five hundred words then it will take time to read around 15 minutes but same article can be understand in 1 minutes on web stories. So web stories reduces the user’s timing which is important for every user’s. web stories visualization is far better than article which can engage to user’s to read and force to tap next slide of pages.

In web stories webmaster can add videos and images both in single article after adding videos it will be more engaging as per user’s perspective. Google has enabled feature to promote web stories on google discover. apart from google discover web stories ranks in search result on few queries. Most of user’s read thorough the google discover and chrome suggestion so traffic gets from google discover now days.

Web stories Reflection on Google discover and Impact to Publishers

But last few month has started to show less stories on google discover and pushing articles instead of web stories, to webmasters and website owners are getting low number’s on web stories. when google has launched this feature and started to show in google discover and were auto suggesting to user’s then web sites owner’s were getting huge traffic on websites through the web stories. Many News Publisher’s hired team to create the maximums’ number of web stories to get traffic from discover, after rollout the google algorithm updates many like spam and core updates many domain’s has de indexed from google SERP, after the reflecting less web stories in google discover many publisher’s has lost website traffic. Due to less traffic on web stories many companies has started cost cutting and Lay off’s and Huge number of Employees lost their job which was hired for specially to create web Stories

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