Shashi Tharoor: Know Education History, Geography & Politics

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Shashi Tharoor

“India Matters to me, and I would like to matter to India” – SHASHI THAROOR

Politician & Author Shashi Tharoor: Shashi Tharoor, a politician, author, and former global civil servant, has experience in all three fields. He previously held several positions in the Government of India. He is currently a Lok Sabha MP designating the constituency of Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram. He worked for the United Nations for three decades prior, rising to the position of Under-Secretary-General, acting as a refugee worker, peacekeeper, and administrator at the loftiest levels. The sixteenth book by Dr. Tharoor has won awards for both his fiction and non-fiction writing.

Shashi Tharoor Education

Dr. Tharoor studied in India and the US before earning his Ph.D. at the Fletcher School of Diplomacy and Law. He also helped develop and suited as a publication’s inaugural Editor of the Forum of International Affairs. He was awarded the Robert B. Stewart Prize for Best Student when he was there. In addition, Dr. Tharoor received honorary D.Litt degrees from the Universities of Sound and Bucharest and a doctorate in history from Bucharest University. He received the title of Global Leader of Tomorrow in 1998 from the World Economic Forum.

The history, geography, and politics

Dr. Tharoor is a well-known expert on India, particularly its recent economic transformation and prospects, globalization, freedom of the press, human rights, literacy, culture, foreign policy, cricket, and more. He is also a compelling speaker fluent in English, French, Malayalam, Hindi, and other languages. Numerous magazines, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, International Herald Tribune, TIME, Newsweek, and The Times of India, have published hundreds of articles, op-eds, and book reviews. He has been a contributing editor and sporadic columnist for two years.

Dr. Tharoor spent a lengthy period of his profession at the UN, where he held essential roles in post-Cold War peacekeeping and served as the Secretary-top General’s adviser. He also served as Under-Secretary-General for Public Information and Communications. In 2009, Dr. Tharoor came to India and was elected to the Indian Parliament.

He has played a vital role in the most significant discussions of the 15th Lok Sabha. Currently serving his second term, he is seated in the opposition and chairs the upright panel on external affairs, in addition to being on the standing committees.

The work of words

Shashi Tharoor, a man with a large, class-apart vocabulary, has authored classic novels: The Great Indian Novel, riot, and Show Business. A collection of short stories and some non-fictional books are also on the list of books he has authored. The Elephant, the Tiger, and the Cellphone (2007) is a compilation of writings about contemporary Indian politics, society, and culture, while Bookless in Baghdad (2005) is a group of literary essays. Pax Indica (2012) studies India’s foreign relations and global strategy, whereas Shadows Across the Playing Field (2009) is a survey of India-Pakistan cricket co-authored with Shaharyar Khan. A collection of articles written by young parliamentarians in India, India: The Future is Now (2013), was edited and included an introduction by Dr. Tharoor. India Shastra is a group of his numerous essays compiled in a book.

Shashi Tharoor was one of the first nine celebrities chosen by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014 to help raise public awareness of cleanliness, hygiene, and proper sanitation and turn the Swachh Bharat Mission into a grassroots movement.

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