Saint Nicholas Day: History, Significance and other interesting Facts about Saint Nicholas

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How to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day
How to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day
Saint Nicholas Day History and Significance

Saint Nicholas Day: Saint Nicolas Day which is observed every year on 6th December. this special day is originated in Europe ages ago and now celebrated all over the globe. If you do not know who Saint Nicolas is, But you will more likely still know of his American version of Santa Claus, or the British version of Father Christmas. These two give gifts on Christmas Day, but Saint Nichols gives presents on the 6th of December. Saint Nicholas who honored as a Christian Bishop who had a reputation for secret gift-giving and goodness.

Every year on this day people exchange gifts and treats in honor of the spirit of Saint Nicholas, spreading happiness and joy around them. So this year celebrate this special day with your loved ones, get creative with your gifts, and have some fun and spend time with your friends and family.

Saint Nicholas Day History

The history of Saint Nicholas is obtained from Nicholas of Myra a bishop in 4th century Greece. He was also known for selling off his items and then giving the money to poor people. He could commonly leave coins in people’s shoes and dedicate his entire life to helping people who are sick and suffering. This is how he gained his saint status, and this is what inspired Saint Nicholas Day which is also commonly known as Feast Day or the Feast of Saint Nicholas.

The well-known story of Saint Nicholas involves a dowry for a father’s three daughters. In the third century, it was very common for fathers to offer money to proposed husbands. Although, one poor father with three daughters did not have money to do all this. Saint Nicholas paid for all three daughters’ dowries by leaving gold in their shoes. As time passed Saint Nicholas Day began in different ways in different countries.

In Italy, this day is celebrated with gift-giving and feasts. In other European countries like Germany and the Netherlands, kids leave their boots or special Saint Nicholas shoes in front of the door or fireplace at night and find gifts in them in the morning.

The history of Saint Nicholas and his good feat was part of the inspiration for the modern-day Santa Claus and Father Christmas, which is why there are some present traditions of leaving gifts in people’s shoes or boots.

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