Pakistan condemns deadly Iranian missile strike on its territory

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Pakistan called back its ambassador from Iran on Wednesday and stopped all high-level trips to Iran.

Pakistan condemns deadly Iranian missile strike on its territory

Pakistan condemns deadly Iranian missile strike on its territory: Two children were killed in an Iranian airstrike inside Pakistan. Pakistan strongly condemned the attack, calling it a “unprovoked violation of its airspace” and threatening to take action in response.

Iran destroyed two bases of the Sunni militant group Jaish al-Adl, which is also known as Jaish al-Dhulm in Iran, in the Koh-e-Sabz area of Pakistan’s southwest Balochistan province with “precision missile and drone strikes,” according to the state-run Tasnim news agency.

Pakistan condemns deadly Iranian missile strike on its territory

Tuesday’s attack comes after Iran fired rockets into northern Iraq and Syria on Monday. This is the latest escalation of violence in the Middle East, where Israel’s war in Gaza could turn into a bigger conflict in the whole region.

The Foreign Ministry of Pakistan said that the attack on its land killed “two innocent children” and warned Iran of “serious consequences.”

The airstrike was called a “unprovoked violation of its airspace by Iran… inside Pakistani territory” by the country.

“Even more worrying is the fact that this illegal act happened even though there are many ways for Pakistan and Iran to talk to each other,” the ministry said.

Pakistan called back its ambassador from Iran on Wednesday and stopped all high-level trips to Iran.

“Last night’s unprovoked and blatant breach of Pakistan’s sovereignty by Iran is a violation of international law and the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,” Mumtaz Baloch, a spokesperson for Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry, said in a televised address.

Her words were a warning: “Pakistan reserves the right to respond to this illegal act.” The Iranian Ambassador to Pakistan should not come back from a trip to Iran.

After the attack that killed many, China told Iran and Pakistan to be calm in their ongoing war. Wednesday, China’s Foreign Ministry told both nations to “avoid actions that would lead to an escalation of tension and work together to maintain peace and stability in the region.”

“The strike was between Iran and Pakistan,” a spokesman for India’s Ministry of External Affairs said. They also said that India has “zero tolerance for terrorism.”

Iran fires missiles at northern Iraq and Syria and says it will destroy an Israeli spy station.

Late Tuesday night, the militant group Jaish al-Adl said that Iran’s Revolutionary Guards had destroyed two homes where its soldiers’ children and wives lived by using six attack drones and several rockets.

CNN was told that two girls had died and at least four people were hurt in Balochistan province. Mumtaz Khetran, the deputy commissioner of Panjgur district, said that the girls, aged eight and twelve, were killed in homes that were damaged in the attack in the town of Koh-e-Sabz in Kulag, which is about 60 kilometers (37 miles) from Panjgur district on Tuesday evening.

Khetran also said that the strikes were aimed at and hit a mosque close to the homes.

Koh-e-Sabz is about 50 kilometers (31 miles) from the border between Pakistan and Iran. It is known to be the home of Mullah Hashim, who used to be the second-in-command of Jaish al-Adl and was killed in 2018 in fighting with Iranian forces in Sarawan, an Iranian area next to Panjgur.

As reported by Tasnim, Iran last month said that terrorists from Jaish al-Adl broke into a police station in the province of Sistan and Baluchistan and killed 11 police officers.

The Army of Justice, or Jaish al-Adl, is a separatist militant group that works on both sides of the border and has claimed credit for attacks on Iranian targets in the past. Its claimed goal is for Sistan and Baluchistan, an area of Iran that borders Pakistan, to become an independent country.

It claimed credit for an attack on an IRGC vehicle in Sistan and Baluchistan on Wednesday. One of the IRGC’s colonels was killed, according to Iranian state media.

The group Jaish al-Adl said on its website that it had attacked an IRGC pickup truck outside of Iranshahr.

Sepah news from the IRGC says that Colonel Hossein Ali Javadanfar was killed in the attack.

CNN can’t independently check what Jaish al-Adl said.

There were three strikes in two days.

Iran said on Wednesday that the attack “only targeted Iranian terrorists on the soil of Pakistan” and that “none of the nationals of the friendly country of Pakistan were targeted.”

“We respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan. But we don’t allow our national security to be compromised and to be played with and we have no reservation when it comes to our national interests,” Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards fired ballistic missiles at what they said was an Israeli spy base in Erbil, northern Iraq, and at “anti-Iran terror groups” in Syria the day before the strikes in Pakistan.

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Balochistan has been hit by missiles.

Iran said the attacks in Iraq were in response to what it called Israeli attacks that killed commanders in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Iran also said that targets in Syria were involved in the recent twin bombings in the city of Kerman during a memorial for the dead Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani, which killed many people and hurt many more.

A spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry, Nasser Kanaani, said in a statement on Tuesday that the strikes were a “precise and targeted” action to stop security threats.

People will be even more afraid that Israel’s war in Gaza could turn into a full-scale war in the Middle East, which would have terrible effects on people’s lives, on politics, and on the economy.

The US called the attacks in Iraq and Syria “reckless” and “imprecise.” The UN, on the other hand, said that “security concerns must be addressed through dialogue, not strikes.”

Iraq said that on Tuesday, it sent a protest to the UN Security Council and the UN itself. Fuad Hussein, the foreign minister of Iraq, said that there are no Mossad-linked centers in Erbil, which is in the semi-autonomous Kurdistan area.

But in an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria at Davos, Iran’s Foreign Minister said that the attack on Iraq was a response “against elements and agents of Mossad.” He also said that Iran has “very good relations” with both Iraq and Pakistan.

“We have talked and agreed for several times on the necessity of fighting terrorism,” he said, adding that the action taken by Iran “targeted Israel that remains a common enemy of both of us,” and that the country would respond to any attack “vigorously.”

There will be no more wars in the Middle East if Israel stops its war in Gaza, he said. Amir-Abdollahian said, “If the killing stops in Gaza, it will stop all the other problems and attacks in the area.”

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Worries about a war getting worse

According to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health, Israel’s constant bombing of Gaza in response to the October 7 terrorist attacks has killed more than 24,000 people and caused a lot of damage. Civilians live in fear that they will soon die from an airstrike, hunger, or disease.

Tensions have grown in the area as a whole because of the conflict. Iran’s allies and proxies, known as the “axis of resistance,” have attacked Israeli forces and their allies.

A defense source told CNN that on Tuesday, the US military began new attacks against Houthi targets in Yemen. The attacks were aimed at anti-ship ballistic missiles that were controlled by the rebel group backed by Iran.

A few hours later, the Houthis fired a missile into international trade lanes in the southern Red Sea. The missile hit the M/V Zografia, a bulk carrier flying the Maltese flag, and caused damage.

These strikes are at least the third time that the US military has attacked the Houthis’ infrastructure since last Thursday, when the US and UK worked together to hit command and control nodes and weapons depots that the Houthis used to attack commercial ships in the Red Sea with missiles and drones.

US troops in Iraq and Syria have also been hit by rockets and drones many times by people working for Iran. The US killed a leader of an Iran-backed proxy group last week in a strike in Baghdad. The US blamed the group for attacks on US troops in the area.

And fighting has gotten worse between Israel and Hezbollah, a powerful group backed by Iran that is on the other side of the border in Lebanon. Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, said on Sunday that fighting with Israeli forces on the border with Lebanon would continue until the end of Israel’s attack in Gaza.

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