Know about International Ninja Day and about the Celebration History

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International Ninja Day

The Ninja day which observed every year on December 5th. The Ninja Burger who created the International Ninja Day as a way to celebrate the Ninja speed with which their burgers are delivered. On one side from that, ninjas are awesome. We all love Ninja and secretly wish we were one. On the Ninja day, wear a ninja mask to work to plague your co-workers with ninja and throwing stars.

International Ninja Day

Espionage, assassination, infiltration, guerrilla warfare and sabotage, these are some of the skills that are built in being a ninja. Dressed in their signature black garb from head to toe, ninja appear from the depths of the night like a hawk on stolen wings, striking their prey and disappearing again without leaving a mark. Ninjas are apparently to be the masters of Kuji-Kirk, an eastern magical practice that made them efficient of combining their natural ability to move like ghosts with their supernatural powers. International Ninja Day is dedicated to remember and honoring these classics warriors of China and Japan.

International Ninja Day History

The 5th December is the date which was chosen for the first International Ninja Day because that day a Tom Cruise movie The Last Samurai was released, which featured the ninja vs samurai battle. After that year the celebration has gets bigger and gained press in stages, its creators playing on the fascination Americans have always had for the black clad assassins, from the original issues of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles back through the swordplay involved games like the old table-top Dungeons and Dragons, not to mention a slay of Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris films from the 1960s and 1970s. But the incisive website and its creators’ motivations are secondary to the intention. And the 5th December is the one day in a year that’s where you won’t catch the strange looks for saying ‘Haiii-yeah’ as you dive in the meeting room.

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