IIT Madras, Columbia and Colorado varsity scientists has develop a liable plastic recycling technique

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The Researchers of IIT Madras, Columbia university, and Colorado State University in the US have Developed Plastic Recycling Technique.


The Researchers of IIT Madras, Columbia University, and Colorado State University in the US have developed a method to consolidate manifold plastics into powerful and recyclable materials. Also according to the official update, this multi-institutional team has developed a method by which various types of plastics can be merged to produce new composite plastics that are not only powerful but can also be reprocessed and recycled.

The locating of this research, which can transform the plastics recycling industries, has been issued in the reputable peer-reviewed journal Nature.

When the officials asked about the research, he said that ‘the research not only talks about the plastic waste crisis but also gives the assurance of changing the way society recognizes and manages plastic recycling. By giving a practical solution to the challenge of mixed plastics, this unique technique can identify a remarkable step towards a more stable future.

Further, Tarak Patra, Assistant professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at IIT Madras also asked about the research, he said even though India’s plastic recycling rate of thirteen percent surpassed the global average of nine percent, there are technical obstacles that hamper the further progress in plastic recycling. Plastic waste is made of numerous different kinds of polymers and these polymers do not mix easily.

So recycling now requires a lot of severance, which is very time-consuming and ineffective. And if all the plastics can be made compatible, they can act as one unit without the need for segregation. Further Tarak Pathra says that ‘to recycle the plastic mixtures efficaciously, then we have to make sure that the different plastics can mix without losing their special properties.

This is similar to mixing oil and water, which comes naturally repel each one. Although, between a process called “compatibilization”, we can make them mix without compromising their individual properties.

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