AI Business Tools Impact Markering and Sales: What Else Has AI Kept For Future?

Introducing generative AI tools, Oracle is making waves in the business world with its introduction of tools designed to help businesses improve financial operations, human resource management, and supply chain management.

AI Business Tools Impact Markering and Sales

AI Business Tools Impact Marketing and Sales: Across many industries, artificial intelligence (AI) has been making waves. In marketing, AI has been hailed as a game-changer, capable of revolutionizing strategies.

In this article, we will explore AI’s current state in marketing, its challenges, and its potential impact on marketing.

New Generative AI Tools from Oracle

Introducing generative AI tools, Oracle is making waves in the business world with its introduction of tools designed to help businesses improve financial operations, human resource management, and supply chain management.

Oracle aims to improve employee and customer experience by leveraging generative AI to increase productivity, reduce costs, expand insights, and reduce costs.

With Oracle’s generative AI features, customers can harness over 50 ways to use this technology, which is similar to OpenAI’s GPT-4 technology.

Program managers can now optimize project planning, finance professionals can gain a better understanding of business trends and forecasts, and product specialists can create SEO-friendly product descriptions. Call center employees can benefit from these tools as they help summarize interactions with customers.

Oracle also sees this development as a chance to strengthen its competition with Microsoft and other technology firms using AI tools.

Oracle aims to provide businesses with a distinct advantage in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and growth through the introduction of generative AI tools.

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AI Business Tools Impact Marketing and Sales: Adaptive ML’s Custom-made gen AI

In a seed round led by Index Ventures, adaptive ML raised $20 million to develop custom-made generative AI models for businesses.

By using open-source generative AI models, such as Meta’s Llama and Mistral’s 7B, the company creates customized tools that optimize enterprises’ use cases.

Adaptive ML plans to continuously improve its models by integrating user feedback, delivering unique experiences tailored to individual users. Customers service and research and development assistants are particularly interested in this continuous learning process. The company has also been supported by influential figures such as Xavier Niel and HuggingFace founder Clément Delangue.

10 AI tools for business recommended by Forbes Advisor

ChatGPT is an advanced language model that generates natural language responses in conversational settings, whereas DALL-E generates images based on textual prompts.

Prospecting, sales engagement, customer support, and human resource departments can all benefit from AI tools. streamlines prospecting, offers data intelligence, Drift offers conversational AI for customer service, and NICE CXone SmartAssist uses chatbots. Nevertheless, ethical and legal concerns, AI “hallucinations,” and copyright infringement risks must be considered.

In addition to taking into account investment and risk factors, businesses should evaluate whether AI tools are a good fit for their specific needs and challenges.

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