Xiaomi Corporation: Check Stock Price, News & Latest Updates

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Xiaomi stands as the 5th biggest seller of smartphones in the world. Incorporated in  2010,

Xiaomi Success Story

Xiaomi share price

China’s answer for Apple 

Like any other securities, Xiaomi’s share price stands for Xiaomi Corporation’s shareholdings listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and trading in Hong Kong dollars (hkd).

Xiaomi profile

Company name Xiaomi Corporation
Headquarters  Beijing, China
Listed in & as  Hong Kong Stock Exchange, 1810:HK
Trading currency  Hong Kong dollar
ISIN Number KYG9830T1067
Deals in Consumer Electronics

Xiaomi share price trends, forecast, live

Share prices are risky to predict and hard to make sense of initially. Mentioned below are some of the websites that offer live updates on Xioami share prices and offer some predictions.

Don’t forget to check them out and gain a clear sense before buying your shares.






Xiaomi is currently trading at roughly 13x in its recent operations.

Xiaomi Share Price/stock buy sell



Xiaomi stands as the 5th biggest seller of smartphones in the world. Incorporated in  2010, Xiaomi debuted on the stock market against the backdrop of the US-China Trade War.

To everyone’s surprise, Xiaomi kicked off its share trading below its IPO price.

Winch Advisory Services LLC and Stanley Laman Group Ltd with 860(10,371 by value) and 360000(4,341,600 by value) shares respectively remain its largest institutional shareholders.

The company has both domestic and international trade operations. Mainland China, Asia, and Europe are its key markets.

Sectors of Xiaomi

Smartphones –Development and sale of smartphones

IoT and Lifestyle products– smart TVs, AI speakers, Laptops, smart routers, etc. 

Internet services advertising and Internet value-added services 

Other segments include online gaming, fintech services, repair services for products, investment consultations, etc.

As far now the Xiaomi smartphones have mostly driven the company’s growth story with India becoming the largest market for affordable mi smartphones, the company is in the process of reinventing and diversifying its products. It is bringing forward smart lifestyle and IoT products at affordable prices to stimulate the market.

So Xiaomi remains a potential player and option whether you are looking forward to buying their shares or products.

If you are a buyer, do have an eye for their latest products!!

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