Hamas-Israel truce deal: Four day cease fire Hamas and Israel

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Hamas-Israel Truce Deal
Hamas-Israel Truce Deal
Hamas-Israel truce deal

Hamas-Israel truce deal: After months of bombardments which resulted in the loss of many lives and a lot of property damage, Israel and Hamas agreed to a four-day truce deal which began this Friday. In the four-day truce deal, Hamas is going to release the Israeli hostages and in return, Israel will release the Palestinian prisoners, And also during this four-day day there will be a complete cease-fire in Gaza.

With the truce deal which will increase shipments of fuel and supplies into Gaza, aid groups say that it is still only sufficient to dent the needs of the 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza who have endured weeks of Israeli bombardment. Israel also agreed to allow 130,000 liters of fuel a day into besieged Gaza for humanitarian needs for the duration of the truce.

Hamas-Israel Truce Deal

Hamas is going to release a new wave of hostages on Saturday in exchange for Palestinian prisoners, the officials said offering hope to sad families after the seven weeks of continuous war that have killed thousands of people.

The main mediator Qatar was expected to announce the numbers of prisoners and hostages to be freed later on this Saturday, the second swap since a four-day ceasefire came into effect on Friday and largely silenced the guns on both sides.

Also, the Israeli authorities said that they received the list of the hostages which is going to be freed but did he number or the precise timing?

On this Friday, the first day of the truce, Hamas released the 24 hostages, according to Qatar and an official Israeli list. They comprised 13 Israelis all of whom were women and children, including some of the dual citizens ten Thai and one Filipino. Israel in return freed 39 women and children from its prisons.

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