Google SERP Algorithm Volatility Score is 9.4-Did you feel that?

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On 12th June Google Algorithm Volatility is High 9.4 out of 10, it’s impacting the search query and traffic specially for news publishers in India and Engish News publishers impacted by this Volatility again.


On 12th June Google Algorithm Volatility is High 9.4 out of 10, it’s impacting the search query and traffic specially for news publishers in India and English News publishers impacted by this Volatility again.

SEMrush Tools volatility score at 9.4 for News Category and All Categories at 8.9 for SERP Mobile


Similar Web:

  • SERP Seismograph volatility score today is 64 (Jun 12)
  • The score has increased from 55 yesterday
  • The average score on our Richter scale for the last month was 60

SERP volatility refers to the fluctuation of website rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). In simpler terms, it’s how much your position in search results can move up and down over time.

There are a couple of reasons why SERP volatility happens:

Search engine algorithm updates: Search engines like Google are constantly tweaking their algorithms to deliver the best results to users. These updates can sometimes cause significant shifts in rankings.

Search personalization: Search engines personalize results to some degree based on a user’s search history, location, and other factors. This can lead to some volatility in rankings, as different users might see different results for the same query.

News and current events: If a particular topic is trending in the news, it can cause SERP volatility for related keywords. New content might be pushed to the top to reflect the current situation.

Mediocre quality signals: If Google’s algorithms aren’t getting clear signals about the quality of different webpages, it can lead to more ranking volatility as the algorithm tries to sort things out.

There are tools available to help you track SERP volatility. These tools can give you a general idea of how much movement there is in the rankings for your target keywords. This information can be helpful for SEOs (Search Engine Optimizers) who are trying to maintain a website’s visibility in search results.

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