Weather Forecast: History, Techniques, Accuracy & Weather forecasting Methods

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Weather is the representation of atmospheric conditions of a city, town, or an area at a provided time.  

Weather Forecast History

Weather Forecast: The atmosphere of our world is very vibrant. It can change daily or even on an hourly basis and it happens due to various factors and one of them is environmental factor.  There are some terms provided to define weather such as dry, wet, cloudy, sunny, cold, warm, etc… that help in reporting the exact atmospheric action going on in this layer that is the troposphere.

The lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere is known to be the troposphere. It begins at the surface of the earth and goes up to a height of 25 to 30 kilometers.

Demand for weather forecast 

In this modern era, people ask for more correct or accurate weather forecasts. Many depend on weather forecasts and some of them are farmers, industrialists, satellite researchers and scientists, workers, travelers, etc…

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There are many sectors where many people are more dependent on weather forecasts because of their daily livelihood reasons. 

  • Agricultural activities, like the sowing of seeds, transplantation, and cutting of crops depend much on weather forecasts.

For example – even a single wrong weather forecast can lead to the destruction of crops that were grown by a farmer based on the forecast and will not only affect farmers’ wealth but will also be a loss of crops that are to be used by the public.

Another importance of weather forecasting is that it helps to take precautions during floods and droughts. There were occasions when floods could have been prevented.

Based on a correct weather forecast people can be asked to leave their particular place during floods and be sent to safer places. So it can also be said that, based on the correct weather forecast we can save lives as well.  

Processing of weather forecast

The people behind all the weather forecasting are called meteorologists; they are the people who are to be held accountable for predicting the upcoming weather forecast.

  •  It might be a flood, a storm, or a drought.  Meteorologists get the information and details from different areas or sources but their prediction and interpretation should be to the point and it can save thousands or millions of lives on earth through their accurate forecasts


There are several devices used for weather forecasting and many of them are based on different principles and have different methods for forecasting the weather.

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Some of them are – 

  • Radar, which is used for measuring sounds produced.
  • hygrometers
  • Doppler radar
  • Radiosondes
  • Weather satellites
  • Buoys
  • Lightning detectors etc…
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